Why reformulation to reduce sodium is needed – and why it just got easier

Sodium is widely used in food manufacture to enhance flavour, but overconsumption can carry severe health risks, and replacements to date have come with their own problems. So, how can suppliers reformulate to reduce sodium while retaining the flavours consumers love?

A quiet health crisis is taking place related to the overconsumption of sodium and resultant cardiovascular disease, which is estimated to cause around 2 million deaths per year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

A growing consensus among the food industry and governments globally suggests that salt reduction is the next major paradigm shift in food manufacturing, and WHO has set a target of reducing global sodium intake by 30% by 2025, estimated to save 7 million lives by 2030. WHO research also found that every US$1 spent on sodium reduction translates to US$12 in healthcare cost savings for treating cardiovascular disease.

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